
We’ve received your interest form. I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with you in service to our collective ascension.

Next Steps

Speaker Info & Interview: Please fill out the Speaker Information Form (BELOW), then book a time to speak with me (links at the very bottom of this page).

If you have further questions before taking the next step, we’ve got you covered! You can either:

  1. Book a short call with me to go over your questions/concerns/paid offer ideas: Or
  2. Drop a short note to Lorree, my assistant, who will be taking care of all summit speaker needs:

Thank you! I look very forward to connecting with you and featuring your work during the summit!

Many blessings,


PS: Keep an eye on your inbox for a welcome email which also includes this information.

Speaker Information Form

About You

Please provide full link.
Please provide full link.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 2 MB.

    About Your Assistant

    About Your Talk

    About Your Gift (Optional)

    About Your Offer (Optional)

    I will offer a course, program or product at a minimum of $197 per unit during my interview for Ascension Guides Speak. I understand that this offer is made within an affiliate partnership agreement with Dawn DelVecchio at a 50/50 split of gross revenue. Therefore I agree to provide Dawn DelVecchio affiliate commission fees of 50% per sale made via the Ascension Guides Speak event, within 45 days of the sale of said course, program or product, or 45 day following the end of the Ascension Guides Speak series, whichever comes first. I understand that this offer is made within an affiliate partnership agreement with Dawn DelVecchio at a 50/50 split of gross revenue. Therefore I agree to provide Dawn DelVecchio affiliate commission fees of 50% per sale made via the Ascension Guides Speak event, within 45 days of the sale of said course, program or product, or 45 day following the end of the Ascension Guides Speak series, whichever comes first.

    About Your Promotion

    REMINDER: The Event begins on May 4, 2025. The promotional period is between April 21-May 3, 2025. Please promote ONLY once this window opens - beginning on the 21st of April, 2025.

    About Your List

    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    MUST take place between April 21-May 3
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    MUST take place between April 21-May.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    MUST take place between April 21-May.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    MUST take place between April 21-May 3
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
    MUST take place between April 21-May 3
    Please provide details and links.

    Final Details

    Do you need any technical support around doing a video interview on Zoom?


    MM slash DD slash YYYY

    Let’s Speak!

    (Book Your Call/Calls Right Here)

    Short Call (Optional): If you are interested in making a paid offer during the summit and want to discuss; if you would simply like to meet with me prior to our interview in order to connect our energies; or if you have questions about the summit you’d like answered, we can jump on a quick call. Simply go here to book a time with me:

    Interview Call: If you are ready to schedule our interview time (via Zoom), simply go here:

    © 2025Dawn DelVecchio All Rights Reserved.

    Reproduction without permission prohibited.