Evolutionary Astrology 1:1 Readings

Are you seeking a deeper sense of alignment, flow, and clarity with your Soul? Do the demands of these changing times seem to pull you away from sacred inner space? Do you find yourself challenged with major decisions or concerns? Do you find it difficult to imagine bringing your spirit-inspired vision into form in a way that deeply nourishes and supports you? 

If you are answering “yes” to some of these questions, then the insights of an Evolutionary Astrology reading may be right for you!

Evolutionary Astrology is a “branch” of Western Astrology which focuses on your Soul’s imprint and intentions for this life’s journey. 

We look at your skills, abilities, talents and tendencies mastered over the course of many incarnations, as well as those crystalized, “karmic complexes” which may be keeping you locked into old patterns or “default settings” that may be holding you back.

This is for you if

You hold a vision for your life, your business or your work which you just cannot seem to bring into grounded or tangible form.

You feel challenged in one or more areas of your life during these times of dramatic change and uncertainty.
You know deep inside that you are here to BE and DO something more sacred and powerful.
You have dedicated yourself to a path of healing & awakening and you are ready for the next step.
You are longing for a deeper connection with the Divine.

Session Package

Your session includes a pre-session, astrological intake form and 13 minute prep video where I explain some basic principles of astrology that will let you make the most of our work together. In our 60 minute session, we will explore the following areas in order to support you in establishing a solid foundation for grounding your vision into tangible form:

  • Discover the Journey of your Soul, as revealed in your astrological birth chart, including the gifts, skills and abilities you came with, as well as the challenges you intended to master in this incarnation.
  • Identify the patterns of thought, behavior or belief which may be blocking you, so you can transform unconscious conditioning into wise decision-making.
  • Determine your areas of “flow” and how to leverage them for making empowered choices.
  • Understand your unique, Inner Voice, and give yourself permission to let that guide you, so you can bring your gifts to the world!

Your Session is recorded in both audio and video formats, so you can refer back to it whenever needed.

Investment: $300