Evolutionary Astrology for Ascension Support
& Soul Blueprint Alignment
Ground, Embody & Gain Momentum with 1:1 Support
Are you seeking greater insights and support for your ascension path? … Would you love a deeper sense of alignment, flow, and clarity for navigating these times? … Do you find it difficult to imagine bringing your spirit-inspired vision into form in a way that deeply nourishes and supports you?
If you are answering “yes” to any of these questions, then your Soul is Calling you to EMBODY your Ascension at a deeper level.
Bringing Vision Into Form
Ground, Embody & Gain Momentum with 1:1 Support
These are for you if…

You know you are here to BE and DO something sacred and powerful in support of our planetary ascension.

You want to embody your multidimensional self through Soul blueprint alignment.

You are an entrepreneur with a mission-based vision or business that you are ready to take to the next level.

You hold a vision for your life, business or work which you just cannot seem to bring into grounded or tangible form.

You seek greater clarity about your Soul’s mission.

You have dedicated yourself to your ascension, and you are ready for the next step.

You sense an energy that’s blocking your most easeful ascension journey.

You are moving through a transformational change in your life.
Session Packages
These packages are highly effective for Light Workers, Star Seeds, Visionaries, Energy Workers, Healers, Gate Keepers, Grid Workers and New Earth Leaders who seek deeper self-knowledge and Soul-alignment to take your mission to the next level. All packages are designed to help you gain clarity about your Soul’s intent for this life, and provide you with insights and practical guidance specific to your ascension plan.
Foundations Package

The Foundations Package Guides You into Deeper Connection with Your Soul Blueprint
This package includes a pre-session, astrological intake form and 13 minute prep video where I explain some basic principles of astrology that will let you make the most of our work together. In your 90 minute Foundations session, we will explore the following areas in order to support you in establishing a solid foundation for embodying your highest expression as an ascending Soul:

Discover the Journey of your Soul, as revealed in your astrological birth chart, including the gifts, skills and abilities you came with, as well as the challenges you intended to master in this incarnation.

Identify the patterns of thought, behavior or belief which may be blocking you, so you can transform unconscious conditioning into wise decision-making.

Determine your areas of “flow” and how to leverage them for making empowered choices.

Understand your unique, Inner Voice, and give yourself permission to let it guide you, so you can bring your gifts to the world!
Your Session is recorded so you can refer back to it whenever needed.
Investment: $375
Embodiment Package
The Embodiment Package Lets You Bring Your Gifts from Vision to Form
This package includes the Foundations package PLUS an additional 60 minute session. In this package, we begin the work of EMBODYING the discoveries made in your first session. We will look at how and where you can begin taking solid, practical actions in order to make a STAND for your Vision and LIVE your life with Soul in the driver’s seat.

Get clear on what you must integrate and act upon in order to press the “Open Sesame” button on your Soul’s Intent.

Gain insight about your incarnational “trauma signature” so you can bring active engagement to areas of your life needing compassion and understanding.

Receive specific guidance on what to focus on in order to align yourself with your Soul’s intent and move with it in greater ease and flow.
Your Session is recorded so you can refer back to it whenever needed.
Investment: $650

Momentum Package

The Momentum Package gets you Grounded, Grateful and Generating Results
This Package includes the Embodiment Package (13 minute intro video, a 90 minute session, and a 60 minute session), PLUS one additional 90 minute session.
In this package, we get you into action. If you are internally “blocked” by negative emotional states, fears, or self-defeating habits, you’ll find the Momentum Package highly effective in resourcing you for moving forward with greater energy and ease.
Processes we use are determined based on the discoveries made in our first two sessions. Depending on your unique needs, they may include: NLP Timeline Reimprinting; Hypnosis Healing, EFT Tapping sets, Somatic Meditations, and Intuitive/Channeled Guidance.
This is about how to get fully congruent so that you can make empowered decisions, take solid, practical actions and LIVE your life with Soul in the driver’s seat.
During this session we will:

Apply Energy tools to remove inner obstacles, old patterning and incarnational trauma.

Activate your Soul’s evolutionary intent with a customized, activation ceremony.

Begin integrating your Wise Inner Self, so you feel more self-trust to fulfill your Star Seed mission..

Set up your next right steps plan so you can unfold your vision in a grounded and fulfilling way.
Your Session is recorded so you can refer back to it whenever needed.
Investment: $1100
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