My tarot reading with Dawn was amazing – so insightful and so different from what I have had before. I feel a greater sense of direction heading into 2017 and much confirmation – and just loved that she used an amazing deck with the new major arcana’s – archetypes for the new consciousness we are stepping into. That was most fascinating, and excellent that I got a few of the new major arcana’s in my reading – that was further evidence and clarification that I am on the correct path. Thank you again Dawn for your immense wisdom and insight.

Maria Therase Cucinotta, Director – Femme International Sydney

Dawn DelVecchio

Maria Therase Cucinotta, Director – Femme International Sydney

My tarot reading with Dawn was amazing – so insightful and so different from what I have had before. I feel a greater sense of direction heading into 2017 and much confirmation – and just loved that she used an amazing deck with the new major arcana’s – archetypes for the new consciousness we are stepping into. That was most fascinating, and excellent that I got a few of the new major arcana’s in my reading – that was further evidence and clarification that I am on the correct path. Thank you again Dawn for your immense wisdom and insight.