The Awakening is at Hand, Sister…
How Are You Being Called?
The Divine Feminine is Re-Awakening here on Mother Earth and Your Sacred Gifts are Needed Urgently

Sacred Feminine
Leadership Library

Welcome Sister
If you are here it’s either because we’ve met somewhere,
or you’ve read one of my books, or someone referred you to me, or …
Your Soul has divinely guided you here through the wonders of internet serendipity
However you came here, one thing is for certain: it’s no accident.
In fact, as you’ve probably come to know by now – nothing is an accident!

This is one of the Truths we are
Re-Membering during this great,
Turning of the Ages.

Here’s how you’ll know whether to stay or go …

And if you are longing for more connection with the Sacred Feminine,
the Goddess and other Sisters on a Path of Empowered Feminine Leadership …

Sister, you are definitely in the right place!

Read what others say...

Sacred Feminine Leadership for an Awakening World

For too many centuries, we have lived in a
world that denigrates anything deemed “feminine” –
including the Earth, Mother Gaia herself.
Women have had to live in and carry with us a great deal of fear, guilt and shame. It has literally not been safe to be a woman. Sadly, in some parts of the world, this is still very true.
Humanity needs a new kind of leadership. A leadership grounded in the Sacredness and Sanctity of ALL LIFE. A leadership connected with Earth and Spirit, which honours both feminine and masculine. A leadership based on partnership, egalitarianism, deep listening and respect. A leadership which is imbued with empowered feminine knowing.
Yet in a world steeped in fear and separation, this kind of Leadership takes tremendous courage and a lot of support. The good news is, we were never meant to do this alone. We need each other, and we came here intending to find and lift each other.

You Prepared Lifetimes for This

Sister, your life this go’round is particularly important.
It is time to harness the skills and abilities you’ve developed in this (and many other) incarnations.
It is my awareness that some of us have been in training for lifetimes in order to be right here, right now – in service to the awakening at this precarious cusp of a planetary awakening which may also involve an entire systems collapse.
We have lived as healers and teachers, warriors and priests. We have been lovers, mothers, fathers, queens, kings and victims too many times to recall.
We have been priestesses and dancers and psychics. We have been Asian and Caucasian, African, Nordic and Native Indigenous from around the globe.
We have been shamans and doctors, pythonesses and fools. And it’s all coming back.
Just have a look at your life. Have a look at your dreams, experiences and inclinations. Are they “ordinary”? Do they fit the culture inside which you were raised? Are your deepest dreams conforming to the status quo: monochromatic, mono-ethnic, vanilla … or are they as colourful and varied as the planet Herself?

The Time of the Re-Membering

It is the time of Re-Membering … of putting back together that which had been fragmented long ago. The Sacredness of our Bodies, our Wisdom, our Sisterhood, and Life itself.

There’s a reason why the Dalai Lama said that the world will be saved by the western woman, for we are the ones free enough – emotionally, psychologically, physically and economically – to be able to do it. We are the ones capable of caring enough for our children and our Mother Earth to fight for it.
We, the western women. We the witches and wisdom-keepers. We have come back to lead an awakening in the face of great odds and we will not do it – we cannot do it – if we rely on defunct models of leadership.
This is why so many of us are feeling called to embody a new way of life. It is why we have been learning and preparing. It is we who have been developing the ability to understand deeply what works and what does not work.
It is time sisters, it is time to step up now and RE-CLAIM, RE-MEMBER, RE-ACTIVATE and RE-ENGAGE our power.
So if you are reading this page then yes, I am talking to you.
Leadership Library