Soul Path

Sacred Feminine

Leadership Library

This intensive program of Healing & Empowerment is ideal for you if you are in the process of major life changes, either in your work or personal life.

Whether you are already in transition or you feel a longing to change but have not yet taken the first step, Soul Path Empowerment helps you make a graceful pivot and gain momentum with the peace and assurance of one aligned with your SOUL.

This work provides you with the following:

Insights for decision-making as choices for the new path unfold.

Processes to liberate you from subconscious blocks, unresourceful emotional states and early childhood programming which no longer serve you.
Specific healing or empowerment actions in order to EMBODY the call of your Soul.
Ongoing Accountability to ensure your reach your goals in a sustainable way.
A trusted Guide to help you clarify choices and stay lovingly accountable to your dreams.

Emotional Liberation with NLP, Hypnosis & EFT

Your support includes energy and consciousness healing tools in order to be sure your subconscious mind is “on board” with your goals. We will be sure to address any obstacles in the way of your desires. I’ll bring the powerful tools of Neurolinguistic Programming, Hypnosis and EFT tapping to support you.

Whether you are internally “blocked” by negative emotional states, fears, self-defeating habits or old trauma which other forms of therapy or medication have not resolved, we will work together to resolve the presenting issue and be sure any underlying issues are either addressed or revealed for further healing and clearing.

These tools are a wonderful way to release challenges such as: Insomnia, Stress Tension, Situational Depression, Phobias, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Allergies, and repeated life choices (in career, relationship or addictions) which undermine your personal power and self-esteem.

The Specifics

Initial, 1.5 hour Visioning & Clarifying Session
1 Astrological Soul Path Reading customised video (Natal Chart)
1 Astrological Transits Reading customised video (Transits)
24 one-to-one support calls (approximately 2 per month)
Inner Work assignments based on your needs
Customised recommendations for Essential Oil, Gemstone support & sacred ceremonies to EMBODY the Guidance of your Soul.

Time Frame:

12 months; 24 x 1:1 sessions.

Maximum 13 months to complete the program.


$1111 per month or $13,000 for pay in full (save $332)

Please contact us HERE to find out when the next enrollment period opens.

Read what others say...

“These all 7 resonate with essential & universal spiritual principles that I embrace as a Baha’i & as a human being 
 echoed in the work of so many & articulated beautifully by you Dawn. Thank you again & have a blessed day!”

Rebecca Osvold, Talent, Oregon

“Thank you for helping me see the immediate opportunity to make an opt-in offer 
 With your coaching I came up with the absolutely perfect opt-in gift – something EVERYBODY wants that brings tremendous value and beautifully supplements what I already offer 
 It will be just right immediately and going forward!”

“What you do for me is bring out a strength and pride in being female in this life and in honoring the sacred feminine while also recognizing that the masculine, within myself and within others, is equally important and deserves the same respect 
 I recall being with you in Orgiva and experiencing how both men and women felt grace in your presence. This is, in my estimation, your greatest tool/expertise/approach.”

Beebe Bairami, anthropologist, writer and author of The Spiritual Traveler Spain

“You’ve helped us all by so willingly sharing your innermost struggles and then inspiring us by shifting into alignment and coming back with incredible success stories weeks or months later.”

Laurie Lakin, Retired

“I’ve had the pleasure of working on multiple different projects over the last few years with Dawn and this woman just gets it! Not only is she a great writer and creator but she understands marketing and the online world in a way that many do not. She’s organized, brilliant, creative, and a whole lot of fun to work with! If you get the chance, I highly recommend working with Dawn – in any capacity. She’ll bring wisdom, experience, and a lot of personality to anything she touches!”

Alexandra Cattoni, Co-Founder,

Simone T. Griffin

"Deciding to work with Dawn was easily the best decision I could have made for myself and my business. We worked from both the practical and esoteric aspects in designing and pursuing a roadmap that aligned my unique skills with the needs and desires of the market. On the (many) days when I felt uncertain or dissatisfied with myself, Dawn pushed with love and nurturing. I knew she wouldn't let me off the hook, but I also knew that she understood and was willing to walk with me through my concerns and hesitations. I feel transformed after working with her, and no longer held back by so many limiting beliefs. Plus I learned a ton about coaching modalities and building a business by both watching and listening to her. Dawn is truly a treasure, and I look forward to continuing to learn from her."

"Having taught the concepts of Attraction Based Consciousness locally, we knew that the material was affective in empowering people’s lives and wanted to expand our outreach. Before working with Dawn we had little knowledge of how to accomplish the expansion. Dawn has helped us with everything from how to use Internet technology, to developing a clear plan to build an audience, creating our marketing message and connecting us with many resources. She is very knowledgeable on the specifics and big picture of marketing. We now have a base to reach the world. Thank you Dawn!"

Barb Pachla and Corinne Collier Cram,

“You will always be the one in my life who taught me tarot and initiated me into the lexicon of the goddess 
 you had a great way of addressing things so directly and bluntly and yet with compassion 
 those times set a solid foundation for my spirituality.”

Alia Munn, performing artist, playwright and mom of 2 sons

“When I think about the powerful women who have blessed my life, Dawn is at the top of the list. During a time when we worked together for the same company, Dawn quickly became the unofficial mentor to many of us, as her compassionate nature, paired with her wisdom and broad spectrum of esoteric knowledge, is unparalleled.

I’m extremely grateful to have Dawn in my life and I know it is time for her to share her gifts with women around the world.”

Leanne Kallal, Co-Founder,

“My expectations were surpassed! Dawn masterfully integrated many tools to support me in reaching my goals, including NLP timeline re-imprinting, hypnosis, guided meditations, tarot and astrological insights, crystal healing, aromatherapy and sacred ceremony.

Dawn is insightful, intuitive, knowledgeable, but best of all her she genuinely cares. Her delivery is nurturing, loving, and supportive. I can't say enough about what a blessing she has been in my life! I left the Intensive feeling empowered and with master plan for my life and my business.”

Jacqueline Ortiz,

“Working with Dawn DelVecchio continues to be a brilliant choice! She is faster than a speeding bullet train, smarter than my hard-drive, and a warm and sincere woman all rolled into one. She is my mentor in Marketing. I wish I could get the jobs done as fast as she can suggest great new ideas.”

Caroline Muir, Author and Founder,

“Dawn Delvecchio is a wonderful, kind and loving person that cares deeply about people. She can explain in laymans terms what we are all moving towards in life. I have a great understanding when she answers my questions on life. She has a wealth of knowledge that can help anyone in any situation. Her workshops are well structured and her meditation CD is easy to follow. I look forward to her inspirational posts and reflections. I would recommend Dawn to anyone and everyone!”

Melanie Palubick, Founder of Namaste Wisdom Productions

“You inspired me to be a strong woman, to be feminine yet fierce. I always admired that you were both physical and very knowledgeable 
 I always left your class feeling inspired to be a better person.”

Jennana Johnson, former professional muaythai fighter and mom of 4

Vivian Jane Powers

"Dawn gives thoroughly. Her worldly and otherworldly knowledge of the feminine shows up in everything she does. She has integrity and a heart full of love for all. She is unafraid to speak the truth. She is the kind of leader we need for these times. And she charges a fair price for her offerings! Dawn is the real deal."

“This was extremely helpful.  It gave language to what I was feeling around bringing a vision, dream and awareness to my business and establish trust among the women I work with.  I realize that I had a belief that my business was promoting superficiality (beauty) and after listening to your video, I have connected to the deeper meaning of beauty, that it is my purpose in this life, and how I can serve a new and different belief system/consciousness around that for woman. Wonderful!  Thank you Dawn.”

Denise Lampron, Personal Stylist,

Being an NLP Master Practitioner myself, I know the tools of NLP very well. And I’m also aware that being guided through interventions by someone else is much more effective for me than doing it myself. That’s why I sought Dawn’s help. I trusted that with her kind and compassionate nature and decades of experience in the healing service, she would be able to help me with past traumas. And she did!

Dawn has a very thorough and accurate approach of going through the individual steps of an intervention and gave me great space and support to walk through it in my own time. I felt much relief after our session and experience more ease in my life now when it comes to structuring my work load and balancing myself. Thank you Dawn for your outstanding guidance!

Helene Weiss, Mindset Coach

My tarot reading with Dawn was amazing – so insightful and so different from what I have had before.

I feel a greater sense of direction heading into 2017 and much confirmation – and just loved that she used an amazing deck with the new major arcana’s – archetypes for the new consciousness we are stepping into.
That was most fascinating, and excellent that I got a few of the new major arcana’s in my reading – that was further evidence and clarification that I am on the correct path.

Thank you again Dawn for your immense wisdom and insight.

Maria Therase Cucinotta, Director – Femme International Sydney

“Wow! I enjoyed my coaching session with Dawn immensely. What she provided was of HIGH VALUE – with a lot of great information for me to apply in my business!”

Dr. Jan L. Iwata D.O.

“You have a technique of listening to others interests, then pulling out certain details from what you hear, building upon them with your own knowledge and experience, providing that information to whom you are talking, to then create a ! and ? to go off in that person’s head, helping them to realize these may be passions that need to be explored.”

Celeste Parrins, Business Manager, MindValley

“Talking with you has always given me the desire to be a better person on so many levels 
 you approach life with a positive, make-it-work attitude that to me seems effortless – as easy as breathing.”

Virginia Roarke, small business owner and mother of one son

"Before working with Dawn I was confused and bewildered. I knew I wanted a business that would help people transform their lives but I didn’t know where to start.

Once we started working together, dawn helped me to gain clarity on who my ideal client is and how to help them by looking at my own journey from pain to power I have learnt so much about what’s possible now. Dawn has a unique way of being able to see a vision for her clients and being able to motivate them into taking action. She is ago a wonderfully kind and intuitive lady with a big heat who is a pleasure to work with. I can’t recommend dawn highly enough and I am so grateful to her."

Angela Caine, Transformational Coach and doctor of metaphysics in training

“What I really love about working with Dawn is her integrative approach. She has so many skills 
 apart from her business sense and marketing know, she has this wide open heart and really embodies the Divine Feminine. She’s also got all these other skills she can throw in like NLP, astrology to understand you on a deeper level.

I couldn’t recommend Dawn highly enough – she’s worth every penny and given me so much value in these 3 days.”

Claudia Spahr, Founder & Owner,

“Dawn’s expertise and eagle’s-eye perspective of my business has been invaluable. During our VIP DAY, Dawn helped me integrate the many services and offerings I was putting out in the world into one cohesive message and brand and then create a marketing map to back it up.

Dawn is positively fierce and “no-fluff” when it comes to helping you put a stake in the ground for who you are, what you stand for and how you intend to message this in a way that will land for the people YOU are here to serve!”

Tal Shai,

Need More Information?

If you’d like to see a list of my official credentials, you can do that right HERE.