Priestess Alchemy Thanks

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Congratulations! Welcome to …

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Priestess Alchemy

[/st_text][st_spacer height=”200″ id_wrapper=”” ][/st_spacer][/st_column][st_column span=”span6″][/st_column][/st_row][st_row width=”full” background=”solid” solid_color_value=”#c24332″ div_padding_top=”20″ id_wrapper=”elm_5f21b982ed7e8″ ][st_column span=”span12″][/st_column][/st_row][st_row width=”full” background=”image” paralax=”yes” image=”” id_wrapper=”elm_599608fdb8439″ ][st_column span=”span12″][st_spacer height=”40″ id_wrapper=”spacer_8069f64df60901f64932047ef3db2432″ ][/st_spacer][st_text id_wrapper=”text_0052113456a33d71e191e0e48a81e825″ ]Welcome Sister!

I am so happy to know you will be joining us for Priestess Alchemy!

NOW, here’s what you want to do next  …

  • First, have a look at your email inbox for your confirmation email with the all-important call link, plus access to the Resources Folder. (The email also includes other information about how to best prepare for this sacred journey, so please read through it carefully.)
  • Next, be sure to “White List” my email address so that you get the reminders and links each day.
  • Finally, remember that all calls are recording in both video and audio format. So if you need to miss a call, or want to join us but the timing doesn’t work for you, you can still register and participate.

I look so very forward to gathering with you on Day 1!

Many blessings,

PS: If you know of a sister who would benefit from this course, please forward this link to her:[/st_text][/st_column][/st_row]